Move of the Month: Seated Hip Thrusts

Move recommended by GRP biathlete Luke Brown

I’m a guy with tight hips but I’ve acknowledged it and am addressing the problem. A support network of coaches and teammates around me are helping me and this move is something I learned from them. This type of hip thrust is both a mobility and a strength exercise. That’s partially why I like it. I also like it because when I first tried, I couldn’t do it and now I can. That’s progress and progress is fun.

Anyway, here’s the move. Sit on the ground and place one leg in front of you like you’re doing pretzels and place the other leg to the side like you’re doing a hurdler stretch. For me, just sitting in this position is a stretch. Maybe it is for you too. Try to let your hip relax to the ground.

Now, use your glutes to lift your hips off the ground and forward and up. As I said, use your glutes. It’ll be easy to tighten up in other areas to make up for your tight hips. My back often tries to get involved and my shoulders. I don’t let them.

And don’t be a hunchback - keep good posture. Relax. Everything should be calm besides the glutes.

If it hurts your knees or something play around with the exact positioning of your feet and legs to see if you can ease the discomfort - it shouldn’t hurt.

Repeat this motion 5-10 times on each side. This can be a great activation move for before a training session or lift. If you can do it to the beat of your favorite song then you’ve made it. That hasn’t happened for me yet. Maybe I need to pick a different favorite song, or… just start moving!