Virtual Community Fitness. Workout #8

In this week’s workout, I don a tutu! There’s nothing else in the slightest ballerina-related to it. My ballet days ended nearly two decades ago, unfortunately. Here is the video.

tutu comfit.PNG
  1. Butt kicks

  2. High knees

  3. Tin soldiers

  4. Ankle circles

  5. Hip circles

  6. Arm Circles

Core Block. 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.

  1. Bridge

  2. Bridge with alternating leg lifts

  3. Leg extensions

  4. Peeing dog

  5. Flutters

  6. Swimmers

  7. Toe Taps

  8. V-sit

Circuit. 3 times through, 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.

  1. Lunges

  2. Dips

  3. Straight arm plank

  4. Air squat

  5. YTW arm raises (with water bottle)

  6. flutters

  7. T-touch/single leg dead lift

  8. Milk the cow (with water bottle)

  9. Kayakers


  1. Hamstring stretch

  2. Left leg hamstring stretch

  3. Right leg hamstring stretch

  4. Supine Twist

  5. Child’s pose