Home Improvements, Craftsbury Style

Both Davis and Keith were busy last week putting the finishing touches on various projects. The furnace room shed was put on skids, moved behind the Dining Hall and is now the epicenter for the Center's freezers. I caught Davis being all Tom Sawyer'ish and he put on a balancing show for me before I caught him in his best pose.

Keith wears so many hats at Craftsbury (groomer extraordinaire, runner, skier, cyclist) it's hard to keep them all straight and he looks darn good in each one of them. I found him in the kitchen garden manning the monster yellow tractor. He was playing with his stash of rocks and fashioning both a love seat and a tool table for the kitchen garden.

There's nothing wrong with Davis' balance

There's nothing wrong with Davis' balance

Keith is adept at moving rocks with the tractor

Keith is adept at moving rocks with the tractor

Keith and his level share a moment

Keith and his level share a moment