Our community fitness class offerings range from general fitness to strength to yoga. Classes are suitable for all abilities and are designed to develop and maintain fitness, and help you perform better in skiing, sculling, running or just your day to day life. Come see what we have to offer.

You can read more about each class among available appointment options below.

Cost: Class fees are $5/person (unless otherwise noted). Membership to the Outdoor Center is a prerequisite to class participation. Not a member? Fix that here. Craftsbury houseguests are also welcome to attend these classes at no cost and may sign up with the coupon code provided by the front office.

There’s an app for that! Make class sign-up quick an easy by downloading the Acuity Scheduling Client App (Google or Apple versions). Bonus: the app will remember you, so you don’t have to type your info in each time.

Once downloaded, add Craftsbury as a business that you “follow” by typing in craftsbury.as.me, and that should bring you to the options below.

Outdoor Center punch cards are now fully online. Purchase one at the button below for $60-worth of classes for $50. Do you have a physical punch card on file with value leftover from our paper days? Email fitness@craftsbury.com and ask for a code to redeem it electronically.

Refund policy: classes booked using an e-punch card are fully refundable. Classes booked using a credit card are non-refundable. So just get a punch card! It saves you money in more ways than one.