Craftsbury Outdoor Center

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Fox's Farm

Best view for any chickens in VT.

The Center and Green Racing Project continue along the path to independence in 2013 with more and more food animals being raised. With last year's purchase of the Fox property on Mill Village road - and all its surrounding pasture land - plans moved forward on growing more of own food. This spring, we started with some chickens and have added livestock. Presently the menagerie includes about 40 chickens, 10 pigs and 14 turkeys. The chickens and pigs live at Fox's, while the turkeys are still brooding at the garage at our main campus. The chickens are easily moved around the pasture in their deluxe chicken tractor, while the pigs are rotationally grazed, their fencing being moved regularly as they root and till the pasture.

While the meat animals are still gaining weight, the chickens already supply us with a couple dozen eggs daily. We're not covering all our needs yet, but that's definitely a good step toward that end.