Craftsbury Outdoor Center

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Masters of Endurance

Coach Greg instructs during the active warm-up

Coach Pete produced detailed video for us to analyze after our track session

Coach Greg captures splits while his group circles the oval

Get your batons from Coach Jess!

Our evening social was wonderful after playing in the Black River

Coach Lynn greets Phyllis as she finishes her first Endurathon Day run

Ted finishes his 17th Endurathon Day run

Jill has successfully shifted to shorter distance racing and her great form shows it

Taking a break from his MBA studies, Richard smiles his way through Endurathon Day

We were treated to a show of ponies galloping happily through the shallows of Lake Willoughby

With a rough estimate of 160 weeks of collective running camp attendance, this edition of masters week is going strong. Coach Pete Larson educated the runners on exercise physiology, footwear and form with terrific video to illustrate his points. Pete produced detailed video analysis from the track which drove home his earlier talk and let us see exactly what happens biomechanically when we run fast.  The relay as its usual highlight with 6 teams moving their baton around the oval.

What a difference a week makes! Yesterday's Endurathon Day was 30 degrees cooler than last week's oven:  we did it all on a breezy 64 degree day. With a new hike option some of us were on Mt. Hor and the rest trekked the traditional Mt. Pisgah hike. Yummy ice cream at Willoughby Lake General Store fueled us for the last task - the 10.5 mile ride back to Craftsbury from Irasburg.  Plenty of  running and fun still ahead, the week is young!