Running Move of the Month: The Squat Jump

Squat Jump- The squat jump is a great lower-body exercise if you don’t have access to weights or gym equipment. Since you are propelling your entire body in the air, there is a lot of force for your muscles to work against. To perform a squat jump, start in a standing position with your feet slightly greater than shoulder’s width apart. Bend down so that you are in a squat position. Make sure that you are sitting back and that your knees aren’t extending over your toes. From this down position, use explosive energy to jump into the air. During landing, lower yourself back into the squat position to start again. 

Start with 2-3 sets of 5 repetitions. You can work your way up to 10 repetitions over time. We recommend adding leg strengthening exercises like this into your routine 2 days per week.