In-person fitness expands

As we learn more about COVID and the broader infection rate slackens, we’ve been able to expand our in-person fitness offerings. CraftFit returned several weeks ago, and this week sees the addition of Yoga and CommFit to our in-person offerings as well. As always, you can find all our classes at - but here’s a quick rundown of the return of some in-person offerings.

Note that

  • ALL Require pre-registration, per State of Vermont.

  • All are outdoors, so may be rained out

  • All are capped at max numbers (generally 12)

  • All can be registered 14 days out now (even CraftFit)

CommFit: Mondays, 6:00-7:00pm, Lower Soccer Field. $5/person
Looking for an energetic and fun workout group? Come to community fitness! It's a well-rounded class developed to improve balance, strength, and coordination through circuit style training.

Chair Yoga: Wednesdays, 9:00-10:00am, Outdoor gym by event shed (see page), $5/person
Taught by Liz Keglor, chair yoga is practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. The poses, or asanas, are often adaptations of modern yoga poses. Chairs are provided.

Traditional Yoga: Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00pm, Outdoor gym by event shed (see page), $5/person
Liz Keglor's yoga class takes a classical approach by focusing on cultivating awareness and connecting the mind and body to improve wellness.  She teaches the philosophy of yoga, breath work and more traditional yoga styles from India.

And while it’s been in-person for a while longer than, CraftFit has shifted to one Monday and one Thursday class at 4:30pm.