2020 Virtual Tuesday Night Race Series

Looking to keep up your fitness and fierce competitive edge this summer? Starting in June, we are hosting our weekly race series in a virtual format, for free!

While we cannot yet host our favorite weekly race night at the Outdoor Center, our goal is to continue the Tuesday Night Races in a socially distant format by offering a local course each week that runners and bikers can complete on their own and submit their time via email. The course of the week will be posted online at the beginning of the week as well as marked with a physical signifier at the start line. Runners and bikers will have Tuesday-Sunday to complete the course and submit their time.

We are planning to shift the courses month to month as state guidelines on outdoor gatherings evolve. At present, we cannot post courses on our trails. For June, the courses will rotate between two race courses on the road - one from the Village and one from the Common.

Read on for full details and schedule for the 2020 Julbo Tuesday Night Race Series here.

***Please note that participation in this virtual series as at your own risk. We strongly encourage following all Vermont Health and Safety guidelines for social distancing and not gathering in groups greater than 10 people. Following these rules ensures the safety of our community and if we receive complaints we will have no choice but to suspend the series. Please also follow abide by traffic laws when running and biking on the roads; be aware at intersections, travel on the left side of the road, travel on the shoulder, and do not assume cars see you.***