Move(s) of the Month: Seated Leg Raises and Couch Stretch

by GRP Skier Annika Landis

When it comes to stretching, I like to focus on my hips - when they are tight, they can affect so many other places on the body, including the back, hamstrings, IT bands, knees and more. Below I explain a mobility exercise and a stretching exercise that I find helpful for staying loose and physically pain free during training.

Pre-Workout Mobility - Seated Leg Raises: Sitting on the yoga mat, place your legs a little wider than shoulder-width apart with your heels on the ground. Alternate straightening each leg from the knee while keeping your other heel firmly on the ground and your back straight. You will want to lean back, but try to keep your upper body upright as you lift each leg. 

Post-Workout Stretch - Couch Stretch: I like to do this stretch, known as the couch stretch, at the end of my workout, especially running or classic skiing, to help prevent my hip-flexors from being stiff. To begin, elevate your back leg on a chair or couch, with your knee touching the ground.  Place the other leg in front of you in a lunge position. Keeping your core engaged, press your elevated leg forward, extending your arms above your head to deepen the stretch if desired. You should feel this in your hip flexors. You can also press your hips back so that your butt touches your heel to focus the stretch on your quad.

With any stretching or mobility, it is important to focus on breathing through each movement. This will help focus your attention and allow you to deepen into stretch. Consistency is also important if you want to see tangible results!